
June 05, 2018

Union preparing for Supreme Court fight against Suncor drug testing

“The impacts will be important for workers all across Canada"

The president of the union representing more than 3,000 Suncor workers says they have prepared to bring the issue of random drug testing back to arbitration if the Supreme Court of Canada does not hear their case.
The comments came after the Alberta Court of Appeal upheld a Dec. 2017 injunction against the practice granted by the province’s Court of Queen’s Bench.
In a Thursday morning interview, Ken Smith, president of Unifor Local 707A, said he was confident Canada’s top court will hear their case. The union expects to hear a decision by the end of March.
“The impacts will be important for workers all across Canada. It will be a precedent-setting case if we get it before the Supreme Court,” he said. “Right now, it’s one more legal panel that has sided with us saying random testing is not OK, at least for the time being.”
Suncor and the local have been fighting over the practice since the company introduced it in 2012. The union has argued the practice is a degrading one that violates the rights and privacy of workers.
Suncor has argued there are drug and safety issues at its oilsands sites, and that random testing is a suitable deterrence.
Two Appeal judges agreed in their decisions there was a safety issue, but said random testing would reach no more than 104 employees per month.
“It is therefore conceivable that some union employees would be forced to comply with multiple tests within the same month ... constituting a significant intrusion on their privacy, dignity and bodily integrity.”
In his dissenting opinion, Justice Frans Slater wrote Suncor’s “concerns about substance abuse are not just hypothetical.”
Some workers have tested positive for drugs, he said, including cocaine and opiates. In other cases, security staff have discovered drugs, fake urine, urine tampering devices and weapons.
Slater said he would have allowed Suncor’s appeal and set aside the injunction.
Smith said he disagreed drugs were a serious problem at Suncor’s oilsands operations, and argued most abuse comes from contractors and commuters living in work camps, rather than full-time employees living in Fort McMurray.
He also described the process as a degrading one.
In one case, Smith said an employee was denied his insulin while waiting to begin his drug test; he was only allowed to take it when he went into diabetic shock in the waiting room.
In another case, a man was going to the washroom when his vehicle was hit. He was eventually allowed to make a bowel movement while waiting to begin his test, but could not flush the toilet unless medical staff made sure he was not trying to flush any other objects down the toilet.
Some female employees have said their hygiene products had to be inspected before they could be thrown out for the same reason.
“All those cases had the employees coming back passing the tests. There was nothing in their systems,” said Smith. “It’s an incredibly degrading system that makes us feel like we’re criminals proving our innocence.”
Suncor spokesperson Sneh Seetal said the company is honouring the injunction while it reviews the Appeal decision and goes over options. If the company beats the legal challenges and random drug testing is introduced, it would work with a third-party operator to make sure testing is done in “a way that is respectful and dignified to the workers.”
“The driver behind why we’re including random testing as part of a safety program hasn’t changed and that is we want to send our folks home at the end of their shifts,” she said. “We have a duty to protect the safety of the public and the environment, and we need to ensure our people working are fit for duty.”
Seetal also pointed out that when Suncor first announced the policy in June 2012, the number of Suncor workers seeking assistance for substance abuse increased, but dropped following an Oct. 2012 injunction.
Smith said the influx of workers seeking addictions help happened because Suncor had recently improved their policies for helping workers with substance abuse. Before, workers feared they would be rejected for the program and termination would follow.
“When any program is offered, whether it’s minor hockey or drug addiction programs, the first pass is when most people sign up and then a trickle follows,” he said. “I don’t believe it slowed only because of the injunction. I don’t think the numbers would have continued to rise if everyone was signing up early on.” 

Article Published on: March 1, 2018 /
Article Written by: Vincent McDermott
Article Spotted by: Kathryn Benson

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